Lawn Mowing Landscape Contracting Snow Plowing & Outdoor Services
For all your Lawn Landscape Snow & Outdoor Needs (586) 436 – 0995

Weekly Lawn Mowing Services – Anybody can cut grass, But professional and proper mowing of a lawn with precision and detail is something that many contractors find too time-consuming, A proper lawn service company should know the type of lawn they are cutting. Different types require different tactics, and lawns grow best when the proper tactic is implemented. Clean decks, sharp blades cross-cutting are essential and proper weed wiping, not to low not too high.

Landscape Contracting- ether your building a new house or thinking about a change of scenery. Landscaping your property is the absolute best way to improve your curb appeal, and value, Pioneer will transfer your dreams into an absolute reality, we offer full design and consultation services, decking, garden structures, paver walkways, retaining walls, We also repair existing.

Snow Removal Services -During Michigan’s

Complete Property Maintenance Available – And Our Most popular Service, We offer a complete property landscape maintenance program tailored just for your individual needs, Programs include weekly lawn service, fall spring clean-up, lawn, tree and shrub health, care, pruning, garden, and annual planting, insect and disease prevention, mulch topsoil, Irrigation system maintenance, repair and winterization and Snow Removal. We also manage leased properties.

Power-Washing -Vinyl-Siding Decks Fences Concrete- Power washing is a great way to clean brighten and rejuvenate all types of surfaces. Our power washing is performed with cold or warm water and a lot of the specific cleaner needed, usually followed with soft bristol brush. Deep Clean and general maintenance programs are available. Vinyl should be done bi-yearly. Proper maintenance threw out the life of your siding ensurers the prevention of cosmetic neglect and unnecessary wear/tear.
Lawn Care Services- Basic elements to ensure a healthy lawn, Fertilization, Power-Raking/Dethching, Core Aeration, Is a good start 5864360995

Fertilization– full-service programs both in manufactured and organic earth-friendly fertilization, including insect, disease, and fungicides

Power-Raking-This is where the excessive thatch is removed from your lawn and is a great tool in your arsenal for the proper maintenance of your lawn, this ensures thick green growth and minimizes your chances of insect and disease outbreaks, power raking can help make your lawn healthier and maintenance easier threw these means, watering consumption, fertilization consumption, and proper air circulation, Without a proper power-raking more than ¾ of these elements, are consumed by the buildup of old thatch, Basically saying, you are wasting time, money and effort

Aeration-Aeration is the process of mechanically removing small plugs of thatch and soil from the lawn to encourage and improve the naturally occurring process of air exchange between the soil and the surrounding atmosphere. Core aeration can help make your lawn healthier and maintenance easier threw these means, Improve air exchange, Enhance soil water intake, fertilizer intake, stronger root system, reduces soil compaction, and enhances drought resistance

Wood Decks & Wood Fence – Repair, Seal/Reseal/Clean/,Add-ons, is all part of ownings a deck Your Deck is an extension of your home and a great place to gather with friends and family, however it also does need some general upkeep that requires some know how, time and elbow grease. This is where we can help, from repair to cleaning and sealing we will walk threw this process together to accomplish your goal and ensure your deck continues to give years of use.

Irrigation Systems– C.L.I.A Certified – Installation, Repair Adds, Moves Changes Winterize/Activate. No matter how nice of a lawn or landscape, not having or not a properly running, irrigation system can be the leading cause of a failed and compromised landscape.
Lawn cutting Snow Removal Services and Landscape Contractors